Friday, July 31, 2009

Armenian Church

Armenian church in the history of opium.Established in the foothills of the castle church in the history of opium,Armenians have lived in the time of Afyon.They have subsequently migrated from Afyon

Friday, July 24, 2009

Frig Valley Üçlerkayası

Rock placements Üçlerkayası
Temple Kapıkaya üçlerkayası

Rock placements üçlerkayası

Afyon, İhsaniye, Üçlerkayası, Frig Valley.Frig valley like Kapodokya Is waiting to be discovered.
Temples, rock placement, stone tomb chambers,Rock tombs, churches and many historical ruins
Is waiting to be discovered.For more

Friday, July 17, 2009

Opium Poppy


Poppy has a particular drug.oil is used as animal feed küsbe'si removed.Has demulcent properties

Friday, July 10, 2009

Wedding in Afyon

Circumcision of wedding images.Play at the wedding of a young.Wedding images from Afyon